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  1. #41
    Avatar von Kinai
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    Man sollte wirklich zeigen, was noch so passiert nachdem Smash da ist...falls was passiert.
    Darauf bin ich auch gespannt. Sie können sich aber ruhig etwas Zeit lassen, weil Smash U Eskalationszeitraum undso.
    Freu mich aber schon auf den Zelda Hype.

  2. #42
    Avatar von Balki
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    Darauf bin ich auch gespannt. Sie können sich aber ruhig etwas Zeit lassen, weil Smash U Eskalationszeitraum undso.
    Die können vieles - sich ewig Zeit für Ankündigungen und Veröffentlichungen lassen gehört aber nicht dazu.
    Ich kann zwar noch „ewig“ TW101 und Bayonetta zocken und sämtlichen Krempel freischalten, irgendwann sollte aber mal neues Futter (direkt von Nintendo) kommen.

    Curve Digital (oder Studios?) haben 'ne Reddit AMA zu Stealth Inc, Fludity (Hydroventure) und allgemein Spielen und Wii U zu laufen:

    Hier eine kleine Zusammenfassung einiger Fragen bzw. Antworten:

    wie sie es geschafft haben den 3DS zu hacken, um es zu ermöglichen 2 Knöpfe gleichzeitig zu drücken…
    3DS Fluidity Spin Cycle challenged us with the ‘360 rotation’ feature, which meant we couldn’t use the buttons or 3D. We managed to hack the hardware’s response to touch input on the touch screen so we could let players press two buttons at once. The goal was that no-one ever noticed that they could press two buttons on the single touch screen, and I’ve never seen it mentioned anywhere, so I think we did (even Nintendo were impressed)

    zur Möglichkeit Stealth Inc 1 auf die Wii U zu bringen...
    As for a port of the original, I think we’d basically really like to, but we’re only a small studio, and SI2 has taken all of our main bandwidth for the past year or so (we obviously also have our porting team who are always in submission too ) – so we’ve not really had time to consider it or look at what it would take/cost.

    I think if SI2 is a success on eShop, then we’d love to bring the original over in some form. I always favoured the idea of DLC as an addition to the second game, but a standalone version might be better. Fingers crossed we get the chance!

    zu Gameplay/Mechaniken, die nicht in Stealth Inc 2 umgesetzt wurden…
    One big feature that was initially planned was underwater sections! This would have been pretty crazy as it would have had an affect on all game mechanics… unfortunately this is the same reason why it was cut. It would have been way to much work to modify all game objects to work with this concept, as cool as it could have been.

    Maybe for Stealth Inc 3…!

    We wanted to do competitive multiplayer fairly early on! I think our ideas sounded really cool and probably would have been some kind of asynchronous multiplayer thing where the gamepad player tries to kill clones using the traps… but we never got to prototype it because we had to make sure all the other stuff was up to scratch!

    Yeah, we over-reached with the multiplayer. There was already level sharing, a co-op gamepad mode, Miiverse integration and a whole Metroid overworld to build (alongside almost a Stealth Inc 1’s worth of test chambers).
    Plus we only had 10 months.

    Budget. It’s expensive to make games, and we could only afford a 10 month development cycle. We saved time by prototyping the whole game in Game Maker (I spent most of the development doing this) using the original Stealth Bastard codebase, and then ported the results to Wii U once we knew that it worked. It meant we could build levels from day one instead of waiting for the game to hit Wii U.

    zur Möglichkeit ein Fluidity U zu entwickeln…
    A Fluidity for Wii U was proposed but never went ahead. We’d still love to do that at some point; our ideas were really quite special in my eyes. If you guys were all to go buy Fluidity Spin Cycle, it might help.

    Nintendo own the IP, so any chance of a new one rests solely with them. They obviously don’t do Kickstarters!
    Like I said somewhere else on here, we pitched a new Fluidity for Wii U to Nintendo, but it didn’t get the go ahead. Who knows what will happen in the future though? Would love to do it.

    zur künftigen Unterstützung der Wii U
    We would love to make more Wii U games, and we have some planned for next year! As you say, we do need our current games to do well on the eShop before we can commit to how many games we can bring to the system, but we’re cautiously optimistic right now!

    We’ve got loads of new titles for 2015 – at least six – and we hope that some of them will be on the Wii U the same time as they come to other consoles. It depends on how well the reception is for our current games and what type of games work best on the console, but we’d love to do more with Nintendo.

    zu den aktuellen Verkaufszahlen der Wii U Version von Lone Survivor…
    So, yeah Lone Survivor is performing pretty much exactly as we expected for a game that is out on most other platforms. We’re pleased with how it’s doing, certainly.
    Geändert von Balki (29.10.2014 um 19:50 Uhr)

  3. #43
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    Ja in Release von einem Spiel sollte man nun nicht mit einem DLC gleichsetzen. Oder zählt Nintendo das bei ihrem Plan mit "ständig neue Spiele" dazu?
    Wenn bei deinen auch alte VC Titel zählen, dann wohl auch DLC's

  4. #44
    Avatar von Kinai
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    Zitat Zitat von Balki Beitrag anzeigen
    Die können vieles - sich ewig Zeit für Ankündigungen und Veröffentlichungen lassen gehört aber nicht dazu.
    Ich kann zwar noch „ewig“ TW101 und Bayonetta zocken und sämtlichen Krempel freischalten, irgendwann sollte aber mal neues Futter (direkt von Nintendo) kommen.
    Das war auch auf mich persönlich bezogen, schon klar das sie Games nachlegen sollen.

  5. #45
    Avatar von SasukeTheRipper
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    Vergleich zwischen den XY und den ORAS Vorbestellungen:

  6. #46
    Avatar von rowdy007
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    Das liegt bei uns an den Steelbooks.^^

  7. #47
    Avatar von SasukeTheRipper
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    Releaseliste für die Shin Megami Tensei IV DLCs veröffentlicht:
    Geändert von SasukeTheRipper (30.10.2014 um 15:13 Uhr)

  8. #48
    Avatar von SasukeTheRipper
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    Kickstarter für UCraft startet bald:

  9. #49

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    Kickstarter für UCraft startet bald:
    Dachte die wollen kein Geld

  10. #50
    Avatar von SasukeTheRipper
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    Dachte die wollen kein Geld
    So wie das Spiel aussieht, bekommen die auch kein Geld

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