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  1. #1
    Avatar von Master Cube
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    Final Fantasy XIII

    Einen reinen FF13 Thread scheint es noch nicht zu geben, daher denke ich, dass es für dieses Spiel angebracht ist, ein eigenen Thread zu eröffnen!

    Hier soll es nur um Final Fantasy XIII gehen, nicht um Versus!

    Vorgestern hat Square-Enix einen neuen Trailer zu FF13 gezeigt, wie immer hinter verschlossenen Türen. Dieser soll 7 Min lang sein, Battleszenen und zum ersten Mal auch die Stimmen der Charaktere zeigen.

    Zum Trailer:

    Some new girl, has a bob cut style haircut? oriental style appearance. Seems to take a bit from Rikku in 10-2, that's the feeling she gives off anyway.

    A lot of other characters are on screen too.

    Lightning working on planning a prison break from where they're being kept; a restraint holding them from entering the main area of the Cocoon?. Lightning is planning it and Snow is taking leadership of the operation

    Lightning is in a straight jacket or something. I think this is where it breaks into the original footage when they're on the train and she takes out some of the Cocoon soldiers.

    Snow is talking about his ambition to protect Sera and the people of the world but apparently, according to Lightning, Sera has already been captured by the Fal'Cie.

    Because of this Lightning belts Snow
    Lightning: You didn't protect her! did you! < or something like that

    Snow: therefore I came to help!

    Lightning puts down her fists.

    They show the battle here.
    The battle is as flashy as it has been previously mentioned in small amounts in interviews etc.
    The quickness and motion in the battle is the most furious and heated FF has ever seen. They were thinking along the lines of FF7AC style it seems.

    Shows a bit of the command, jumping is in the game as said previously but the writer of the blog says he was unable to tell how it happened.

    In the Cocoon there is a warning voice being projected. It was hard to hear what was being said over the noise of the music etc.

    Event scene:

    Snow and Lightning help someone being taken away by a solider? Snow takes a Bazooka like weapon from a downed Soldier and delivers a counter attack.

    By the way, Snow gives a machine gun to someone, the suspect being taken by the soldiers? She introduces herself as Vanilla.

    Another battle, snow summons shiva and freezes stuff then completely destroys them all.

    By the way, all voices are in the trailer now, for each character.

    Weiterhin gibt es drei neue Scans aus dem Jump Magazin, dort sieht man u.a. den Kampfbildschirm, außerdem sieht man das es keine Zufallskämpfe mehr gibt:


    Edit: Bilder sind wohl etwas zu groß, daher nur der Link!

    Meiner Meinung nach bisher das einzige RPG dieser Generation, was mir vom Charakterdesign überhaupt zusagt, alles andere empfande ich als absoluten Durchschnitt, sehr enttäuschend bisher. (von Eternal Sonata bis Lost Odyssey über The Last Remnant und auch die kommenden White Knight Chronicles oder auch Star Ocean)
    Für mich sogar das beste Charakterdesign was ich jemals gesehen habe, dort stimmt einfach alles.

  2. #2

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    Ich weiß nicht. Wenn ich nur nach den Chara Designs gehe und nicht nach der Grafik insgesamt, dann finde ich LO oder ES mindestens genauso gut, wenn nicht besser. Nomura ist okay, aber das Chara Design ist wohl kaum das beste an FF. Die Grafik insgesamt sieht allerdings besser aus als die der anderen RPGs in dieser Generation.

  3. #3
    Avatar von Master Cube
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    Zitat Zitat von Kay Hermann Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich weiß nicht. Wenn ich nur nach den Chara Designs gehe und nicht nach der Grafik insgesamt, dann finde ich LO oder ES mindestens genauso gut, wenn nicht besser. Nomura ist okay, aber das Chara Design ist wohl kaum das beste an FF. Die Grafik insgesamt sieht allerdings besser aus als die der anderen RPGs in dieser Generation.
    Also bei LO finde ich nur Kaim und Seth gut designt, die anderen Charaktere sind doch nicht mehr als 08/15. Bei Eternal Sonata brauch ich gar nicht anzufangen, dieser Heidiverschnitt und der Anhang sind doch wirklich nicht annähernd so herausragend designt wie Lightning, Snow oder Vanille! (FF13)

  4. #4

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    Geschmackssache. Aber Nomura ist so omnipräsent, dass viele ihn schon über haben. Und irgendwie wiederholen sich seine Designs auch. LO und ES sind da viel eigener.

    Und Vanille ist der Nachname, sie heißt Oerba Dia.
    Geändert von Kay Hermann (21.12.2008 um 14:20 Uhr)

  5. #5
    Avatar von Master Cube
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    Geschmackssache. Aber Nomura ist so omnipräsent, dass viele ihn schon über haben. Und irgendwie wiederholen sich seine Designs auch. LO und ES sind da viel eigener.
    Ich habe noch nicht viel Kritik an dem Design von FF13 gehört, daher kann ich das so nicht unterstreichen. Allerdings kann ich zumindest sagen, dass ES nicht eigener ist, niemals. Das Spiel sieht doch genauso aus wie jedes andere Anime-RPG.
    Bei FF13 bezog ich mich bisher auch wie gesagt nur auf die drei Hauptcharaktere die man gesehen hat, sonst hat man zu wenig gesehen um das Desing der Welt/Gegner genauer beurteilen zu können. Allerdings finde ich die drei Hauptcharaktere so markant, die stechen wirklich imo aus der Masse heraus und wirken für mich auf den ersten Blick interessant. Lange hat mich ein Spiel auf die Art nicht mehr so angesprochen.

    Zitat Zitat von Kay Hermann Beitrag anzeigen
    Und Vanille ist der Nachname, sie heißt Oerba Dia.
    Ja, ich weiß, steht ja auch auf den Scans. Allerdings kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass sie mit diesem Namen angesprochen wird, klingt doch viel zu komplex.


    Noch einmal Eindrücke vom neuen Trailer für diejenigen, die der englischen Sprache mächtig sind!

    As for the new characters..

    I would not call the big new male character's hairstyle an afro, but his hair does look like somebody put a tube over his head and then his scalp exploded, permanently frying his hair up in fine DBZ fashion. It's not long and ridiculously spiky, though. Just... exploded. His hair is VERY orange, and he either has it shaved into thin zig zag shave patterns on the sides of his head or he has a lot of tiny zig zagging braids there. He appears to be wearing a frayed or fur trimmed blue vest and is pretty clearly black. He is wearing off-white to khaki colored long shorts with simple gold patterns on them. He also has a silver necklace with a rectangular, flat silver pendant, wide sides horizontal. He's present mostly in the prison break scenes, helping Snow and the other new male and female characters, although he is the only character I was able to identify for sure on the train with Lightning before she broke out.

    As for the younger new male, the first thing that came to my mind upon seeing him was Gippal, probably because of his blond hair and main colors pink and black outfit. He wears goggle-like headgear on his forehead. He does not look 'shota' to me, but he does look young compared to Lightning, Snow and big black new dude. He is blond. He looks to be older than pigtails girl by a couple years. He does talk with an affect. For people who know some Japanese, he tacks 'sska' onto the end of 'ja nai ka' questions to make 'ja nai sska' and 'ja nai ssu'. I don't know exactly the real life implications of the affect, whether its regional, age or culture, but it does exist in real Japanese speech. He seems to often have complaints about situations and courses of action, but help out regardless.

    New female character reminds me of Yuffie a little, but her hair is at least shoulder length and appears to be tied back. She does not appear to be very patient. She has a purplish butterfly tattoo visible on her shoulder from the back. I think it's her right shoulder. Her outfit's colors are yellow, white and purple. She is wearing a very short, ruffled layered yellow skirt. She shows considerable amounts of skin compared to Lightning and Vanille. She's also wearing something like knee high fishnet socks. I believe she is shown using a gun.

    As for what's happening in the actual trailer, there seems to be two separate parts being told at the same time.

    First, there is Lightning rescuing Oerba Dia Vanille on a train with the three new characters and Snow. This scene takes place in the very green colored area with all the train tracks suspended in the air, visible in this image.

    I'm not sure about the trailers' order of shown events, as both covered similar events while including different scenes, but the story follows this way..

    Lightning and the new black character are on the prisoners' train, dressed in the same white outfits we have seen Oerba Dia Vanille wear when she is captured. They are sitting with several other prisoners. All of them are restrained by some kind of force from the wrist areas of the clothes they are wearing. They talk quietly and briefly to each other, and suddenly the train hits what appears to be some kind of force field barricade set up on its tracks, and begins to run out of control. Lightning jumps out to attack and crushes a remote control-like device with her foot, releasing all the prisoners from their hand bindings. Lightning waves her hand past her hip and begins to generate what looks like an electrical field around herself but appears to be connected to her gravity based abilities.

    The large dragon-like flying beasts we have seen before attack the out of control train, seemingly in an attempt to stop Lightning from hijacking it. She shoots at them from the train with a large bazooka-like gun. Eventually they knock the train off its tracks.

    The fighting ends up outside, where all the other new characters plus Snow join in. They have a lot of help in the form of what appears to be a small rebel force, armed with what appear to be standard, bullet-firing guns of fair power. Some of the train rails have been destroyed by the fighting, and the rebels assisting Lightning and company are entrenched in the rubble.

    The people who escaped the train when Lightning broke out want to help them fight, and eventually Snow consents to letting them figh to. Among the escapees is Oerba Dia Vanille, who Snow gives a gun to. She takes it, pretends to aim it at an enemy, and says "Bang!"

    The fighting seems to get worse, and a heavily armored enemy airship arrives. It blows away a good portion of the resisting fighters with one cannon blast, and Snow is knocked off the train rail while attempting to rescue another fighter and falls from view.

    The scene changes to Lightning on a platform with a character who does not appear to be a main playable character by lack of remarkable clothing (His name is possibly Sazzu by the menus). The other character is a male in very plain clothing, although he appears to follow her around for some time as she moves and fights, possibly a guide character.

    Lots of fight scenes are strung together, seemingly more for the purpose of showing off the battle menues than carrying the story forward, as eventually it breaks off to the second main storyline focus area: Lightning, Snow and Vanille in the frozen-looking lake area.

    There are scenes of them fighting both monsters and soldiers there, and at one point Snow summons Shiva and uses her in battle to attack. Among his menus when using Shiva are attacks called "Diamond Dust" and "Engine". The attack he performs causes damage in many separate increments. In a scene we've seen in magazine scans, Vanille mentions she has seen "that" before, she thinks, although what "it" is is unclear.

    Depending on which trailer you're watching, a dialogue about someone named Sera plays either over a scene near the battle at the train tracks area or in lip synch between Lightning and Snow in the frozen lake area, where Snow mentions Sera and Lightning becomes angry at him for not saving Sera, claiming it was his fault that whatever happened to her happened. Snow seems to believe that he can still save her, but Lightning thinks nothing can be done about it anymore. She hits him twice, and both appear to be near tears. He stops her with something he says about what he thinks he can do. (I believe she asks "What is it you think you can do, huh?" in regards to how to save Sera and he replies "Anything!")The blue golem-like creatures are present during some of the voice over conversation. It seems they are somehow connected to what happened to Sera. (Sorry, I'm fairly unsure about the goings on outside the train fighting scenes).

    Throughout the train section of the trailers, many, many charactes are shown, most of whom appear to be rebel fighters and escapees from the train, but I've only described in detail the ones who have been seen in gameplay combat or who have unique clothing.

    At some point in time (it's shown at the beginning of a trailer, but I can't pin it down chronologically), Vanille is shown standing outside in her white hooded outfit in the green-lit train area, and she mentions the "beginning of the end of the world."

    The large green creature/statue like object in the first linked image also features quite prominently in the trailer, but I'm not sure what it is or what it means. In the version where talk of Sera is dubbed over the train scenes, it appears quite often while the conversation plays.


  6. #6

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    Es gibt eine Menge Leute die Nomuras Designs nicht mögen und FFXIII eben auch nicht. Wenn du solche Kommentare noch nicht gesehen hast, musst du zum ziemlich selektiv sein beim Lesen.

    Und es ist Geschmackssache. Wie gesagt, wenn du die Grafikqualität insgesamt loben würdest, da würde dir wohl niemand widersprechen.

  7. #7
    Avatar von Cleese
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    Also ich finde die Grafik sehr gelungen *g*. Obwohl ich das düstere bei Versus wesentlich besser finde (Auch ein Grund, weshalb ich LO wirklich sehr genoß, da war nicht alles so bunt).

    Bzgl. des Charakters Designs: Finde da bis jetzt nix außergewöhnliches, was jedoch nix negatives heißen soll. LO hat mich wegen Kaim fasziniert, da gabs evtl. nur Abzüge beim Bösewicht, weil der nicht wirklich böse wirkte. Gibts da eigentlich schon kurz und knapp Infos, wer der Böse bei XIII ist? (Habe nicht alle Infos dadrüber gelesen, bzw. nur paar Trailer gesehen).

  8. #8
    Avatar von Andi
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    Ganz klarer Pflichtkauf für mich. Gibts denn schon einen Releasetermin?

  9. #9
    Avatar von Master Cube
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    Zitat Zitat von Kay Hermann Beitrag anzeigen
    Es gibt eine Menge Leute die Nomuras Designs nicht mögen und FFXIII eben auch nicht. Wenn du solche Kommentare noch nicht gesehen hast, musst du zum ziemlich selektiv sein beim Lesen.

    Und es ist Geschmackssache. Wie gesagt, wenn du die Grafikqualität insgesamt loben würdest, da würde dir wohl niemand widersprechen.
    Nein, bin ich nicht, ich interessiere mich auch für andere Ansichten, so ist das nicht!

    Und zur Grafikqualität hab ich bewusst nichts gesagt, ich meine was anderes als die Referenz im RPG Bereich hat man nicht erwartet und danach siehts auch auf den Scans aus. Bin mal auf die ersten richtigen Ingamevideos gespannt, im März erscheint ja die Demo in Japan.


    Nein, zum Bösewicht ist nichts bekannt.


    2009 in Japan, etwas genaueres steht eigentlich nicht fest.
    Ein Release im Westen sollte aber eigentlich spätestens bis März 2010 erfolgen, hoffe ich!

  10. #10

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    08.09.09 - Square Enix gibt bekannt, dass das Rollenspiel Final Fantasy XIII am 17.12.09 für Yen 9.240 (EUR 69 / USD 100) auf den Mark kommt; die Xbox 360-Fassung wird in Japan nicht veröffentlicht.

    Ein PS3-Bundle ist ebenfalls geplant, Details hierzu sollen aber erst später bekanntgegeben werden.

    Quelle: www.gamefront.de

    Das wird ein Teurer Import


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