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Thema: Scribblenauts


  1. #1
    Avatar von Daniel
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    Also ich habe tatsächlich noch keinen Thread zu dem Spiel gefunden, aber als Spiel der E3 (von einigen Redaktionen gewählt, z.B. IGN) darf man doch meinen, dass dieses Game es verdient hat

    Worum geht es nun in dem Spiel?

    Ziel ist es, Sterne einzusammeln. Man nehme mal die folgende Situation:

    Dort sieht man einen Stern im Baum. Und eine Leiter. Es ist also klar, wie man an den Stern kommt. Aber was wäre ohne die Leiter? Den Baum mit einer Axt fällen? Den Stern mit einer Pistole runterschiessen? Einen Biber den Baum anknabbern lassen damit er umfällt? Wenn man es denken kann, ist es möglich!

    Das Spiel besitzt eine riesige Datenbank mit mehreren 10.000 Wörtern. Alles Objekte, die man ins Spiel zaubern kann, wenn man sie aufschreibt. Und sie besitzen die Eigenschaften, die man auch erwarten würde: Holz ist brennbar, Lebewesen bestehen aus Fleisch etc.

    Hier mal ein kleines Wallpaper, auf dem nur einige der Gegenstände zu finden sind, die es auch im Spiel gibt:

    Damit das Spiel auch nicht zu einfach ist, gibt es diverse Modi: es gibt Boni wenn man ein Level bis zu 4 mal beendet - wobei die jeweils in den vorherigen Versuchen benutzten Gegenstände dann blockiert sind. Zusätzlich belohnt wird man, wenn man unter eine vorgegebene Anzahl von benutzten Gegenständen kommt.

    Ausserdem gibt es einen Leveleditor. Erstellte Werke können sogar über Wi-Fi getauscht werden.

    Erscheinen soll das Spiel im Herbst in den USA, für Europa ist noch nichts bekannt.

    Und hier mal ein paar Reaktionen von Menschen, die bereits Scribblenauts anspielen durften:

    I had played all the big titles at E3. Private showings of God of War III, Heavy Rain, Alan Wake. But at 4:00 on Thursday, I was wandering around the show floor, wondering what else I had to see. I saw a small little booth for "Scribblenauts!" in the Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment section. I mean, who goes to that booth? But I remember hearing about it on GAF, and so I decided to check it out.

    Best game of E3? Without a fucking doubt. Anyone who says otherwise did not play Scribblenauts. Best game of all time? Jesus Christ, I don't know, maybe. It's a game that challenges your IMAGINATION. No other game has ever done that.

    So listen to this story. I was in the early levels; I didn't quite have an idea of how ridiculously in-depth the database was. I was summoning things like ladders, glasses of water, rayguns, what have you. But I reached a level with zombie robots, and the zombie robots kept killing me. Rayguns didn't work, a torch didn't work, a pickaxe didn't work. In my frustration, I wrote in "Time Machine". And one popped up. What the fuck? A smile dawned on my face. I hopped in, and the option was given to me to either travel to the past or the future. I chose past. When I hopped out, there were fucking dinosaurs walking around. I clicked one, and realized I could RIDE THEM. So I hopped on a fucking DINOSAUR, traveled back to the present, and stomped the shit out of robot zombies. Did you just read that sentence? Did you really? I FUCKING TRAVELED THROUGH TIME AND JUMPED ON A DINOSAUR AND USED IT TO KILL MOTHERFUCKING ROBOT ZOMBIES. This game is unbelievable. Impossible. There's nothing you can't do.

    Holy fucking shit.
    There's a growing sect of Joystiq writers who are walking away from E3 2009 with the same title constituting their Game of the Show. Surprisingly, it's not a big-budget blockbuster, or a groundbreaking advancement in storytelling, or a bold new method of how we interact with our video games. It's Scribblenauts, an unassuming DS puzzler with a massive lexicon, charming gameplay and, as far as we can tell, a large infusion of impossible technowizardry.

    The premise of the game is simple -- you play as Maxwell, who must solve various puzzles to obtain Starites spread across 220 different levels. To execute the aforementioned solving, you write words to create objects in the world that your cartoonish hero can interact with. It's a simple concept that's bolstered by one astounding accomplishment from developer 5th Cell: Anything you can think of is in this game. (Yes, that. Yes, that too.) There's no better way to relate how magical this game is than to simply present to you the challenges we were presented with, and the often circuitous methods we used to surmount them.

    1. One level we played placed us in the desert with a thirsty, thirsty man. A cue appeared as we began the level: "Refresh him!" Of course, writing water would suffice -- but that's not very original, is it? My first time through, I managed to summon an oasis. It appeared, I dropped it into the ground, the man fell in, and the Starite appeared. At the end of the level, the game gave me a score based on how far I went over par (the target number of items you can beat the level with), and awarded me badges -- achievements for clever word usage.

    Justin fed the man pomegranates until he fell victim to an overstuffed slumber. He created some lemonade, which the man then poured down his gullet -- level complete! Randy created a coffee shop. It appeared, the man ordered a cup o' joe at the carry-out window, drank it -- level complete!

    2. Another level placed a pool of water with a shark inside between us and the Starite. While a few options may have allowed us to circumvent the shark-infested waters, we all decided to take him out. I tried dropping a sword on its head pointy-side down, but it bounced harmlessly off its thick hide. I then dropped a hair dryer into the water with more electrifying, fruitful results.

    Chris attempted to drop dynamite into the water, though the splash extinguished the fuse. He then threw waterproof C Four into the water, effectively recreating the ending of Jaws. J.C. created a Kraken, which fought with and ultimately bested the shark.

    Andrew created a teleporter in an attempt to instantly apparate to the Starite -- instead, it took him to a medieval world where he was besieged by shadowy assassins. He tried distracting them with candy -- really, Andrew? -- then created a fairly anachronistic nuke. The nuke didn't detonate, however, so andrew created a laser rifle to take out the assassins. One of his lasers grazed the aforementioned WMD, and blew up the entire level.

    3. Ludwig was tasked with navigating through a zombie apocalypse to reach a helicopter with his brains in tact. He attempted to hold the undead off with a wall, but he couldn't get build it fast enough to hold off the horde. He whipped out a shotgun, but their numbers were too large to dispatch with a firearm.

    Naturally, his next instinct was to craft a time machine, which took him into the prehistoric ages. Of course, he was surrounded by unfriendly dinos, so he made a robot dinosaur, which he then mounted and used to destroy his scaly adversaries.

    In all of these scenes, only a few items we tried to create didn't appear. The guys from 5th Cell explained that there are some limitations -- modifying a noun with an adjective won't usually work as intended -- brown happy dog, for instance, will probably just create a dog, though its color and mood may not be to your liking. Also, trademarked items are out, from "Nintendo DS" to "Bungee."

    Still, the sheer number of items the game is capable of recognizing, and the development that went into determining how these objects interact with Maxwell and each other, is simply astonishing. We've never seen anything like it -- and based on the long line of E3 attendees that wrapped around the Warner Bros. booth with hopes of getting their hands on Scribblenauts before the expo's conclusion, we're guessing nobody else has either.

    Scribblenauts is going to be huge.
    Australia, June 17, 2009 - It's no exaggeration to say that we're very excited about Scribblenauts. Hell, we were so blown away by it that it came in as the overall winner in IGN's Best of E3 awards. We had to be forcibly pried away from the DSi that housed the yet-unfinished version of the game at the show – and for the briefest moment, we felt the twinge of pain a mother must feel after sending her first born off to school alone for the first time. This game is a work of genius and it demands to be praised as such.

    Whereas Drawn to Life held players on a mostly taut lead through its adventure, allowing you to draw this and that, Scribblenauts is a puzzle game at heart and the game encourages – or utterly begs – you to experiment. Rather than drawing objects, however, you're exercising your vocabulary and the game takes care of the rest – depositing your selection into the world. There are a few restrictions – no trademarks or proper nouns (names) – but there are some 10,000-odd words to experiment with.

    As such, we decided to fool around a little bit and create some cool scenarios – just for the heck of it. These are some of the weirdest – and best.

    There's nothing about this image that isn't awesome.

    The Black Hole

    Midway through conjuring all manner of strange tropical fruit, household appliance and major motor vehicle, we decided to type 'Black Hole', just for the hell of it. Would it actually make a black hole? Surely not. That'd just be too 'out there'. We were so very, very wrong.

    Immediately, a black hole appears in the sky, about the size of a penny when held against the DS screen. Suddenly, every AI inhabitant, item and anything not rooted to the ground gets sucked into that sucker. Your character is pulled in there too, along with the star you're supposed to retrieve. We failed the level, but man – what a rush.

    The Portal and The Monster

    On the advice of the booth attendant, we typed in 'portal'. A small, inconspicuous ring, outlined in black, appears. At first, nothing happened. But then, with no real warning, a demon emerges from the portal and begins to wreak havoc on any soul standing around. Oh noes.

    What did we do? Typed in 'Sword', of course. Naturally, a broadsword appears and we get to work. The monster is subdued – but at the expense of the people in the scene. Oops.

    Pirate vs. Ninja

    The age-old battle can finally be settled: Typing in 'Pirate' and 'Ninja' brings the two classically drawn characters to life. They do battle, cutlasses versus samurai swords. Villagers run for their lives. Who wins?

    The ninja. Because ninjas are awesome.

    Internet Jokes

    Here's an easy one for the geeks out there. Try typing in 'Longcat', 'Ceiling Cat', 'Keyboard Cat' and 'All Your Base Belongs To Us'. You will be surprised and delighted by what you can find hidden in Scribblenauts.

    The Time Machine

    Here's a good one. You can get your Marty McFly or Bill and Ted on, just by typing 'Time Machine'. Doing so brings forth a large silver contraption just itching to be climbed into. Doing so actually does send you back in time, to a full medieval village setting. Insane.

    Wandering a little farther along the lush, green countryside, you can even come across peasants, noblemen and women, knights and a full castle to explore. Did we mention that this game is utterly incredible? But we weren't through… this countryside was missing a critical element: dragons.

    Knight vs. Dragon

    Okay, so here we are in medieval England, farmers and peasants and princesses galore – but where's the tyranny and bloodshed? Naturally, we had to introduce some, so we typed in 'Dragon'. Holy cow.

    A dragon appears; fifteen feet high, bright green and yellow with angry red eyes that stare soullessly forwards, sitting just above stained yellow teeth. This thing looks hungry. And so, we unleash it by dragging it into the world. It flaps its wings and starts walking towards the castle as peasants scream and the dragon gobbles them up.

    Being the good, balanced people we are, we decide to even up the fight and call in a heavy-hitter – a Knight. We type that in and a silver-clad knight appears and immediately does battle with the dragon, slaying it and standing there triumphantly. Huzzah!

    Dragons, clowns, ferris wheels... is there anything this game doesn't have?

    God vs. Death

    The strangest – perhaps most disturbing – combination of words we used were 'God' and 'Death'. Regardless of your religious affiliation, typing in this word will bring up a classical old man with a long, white beard and pure white robes. He mostly just stands there, not doing a whole lot, as a few AI-driven villagers did likewise. However, that was about to change.

    Typing in 'Death' creates the soul-collecting figure of the grim reaper himself. Dressed all in robes with a little grey skull and a bad ass scythe, we dragged Death onto the ground next to some villagers. Immediately, Death went to work, slicing up the hapless humans, who ran for their literal lives. Of course, God wasn't going to take that crap, so God and Death got into a fight.

    Suddenly, the unthinkable: Death kills God.

    Wow. Just… wow. Raises all sorts of weird questions, doesn't it?

    The Atom Bomb

    The perfect way to stop Death – and everything else. While the E3 booth technician strongly urged me not to, typing in 'Atom Bomb' brings in a small red and silver bomb, nose pointing downwards. I tapped the bomb, allowing it to drop. Suddenly there's a flash, the screen slowly fades to white as your heroic scribbler keels over. The end. It was as good a place as any to conclude our time with Scribblenauts – and trust us when we say that it was hard to let go of this one. We cannot wait.
    Geändert von Daniel (13.07.2009 um 11:47 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Avatar von Ralf
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    Schaffe schaffe Häusle bauen und gelegentlich mal ne Runde Fifa
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    Freu mich schon wahnsinnig auf das Spiel! Das wird einfach.....fuckin' awesome!

    Hier mal noch der Trailer von IGN...
    Ich mein... Erst holt man sich nen Vollmond, dann nen Werwolf.. xD
    Einfach unglaublich, was da alles möglich ist..
    Geändert von Ralf (13.07.2009 um 12:42 Uhr)

  3. #3
    Avatar von XaryPi
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    Hy leute ne frage kommt des spiel auf deutsch raus? weil... axt englisch geht ja noch aber so schwerere wörter wie dieser holzfäller da fallen mir net ein. Freue mich auf eine antwort.
    MvG Alfapower

  4. #4
    Avatar von Philipp
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    Wird aller Voraussicht nach eingedeutscht. Die europäische Fassung erscheint im September.

  5. #5
    Avatar von Daniel
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    Holzfäller... Lumberjack? ^^

    Also soweit ich weiss, haben die Entwickler daran gedacht: alle Worte wurden direkt in mehreren Sprachen in die Datenbank eingetragen. Mir sind da aktuell Deutsch und französisch bekannt.

  6. #6
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    Zitat Zitat von RazeLaserbolt Beitrag anzeigen

    Holy fucking shit.

    Bin schon sehr gespannt. Allein, dass man Cthulu ins Spiel holen kann ... lol
    Ich könnte mir schon fast vorstellen, dass man einige Gegenstände in Deutschland aus dem Spiel entfernen wird O_o
    When I get sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead ... true story!

  7. #7
    Avatar von Daniel
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    Zitat Zitat von «Dude» Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich könnte mir schon fast vorstellen, dass man einige Gegenstände in Deutschland aus dem Spiel entfernen wird O_o
    Na vermutlich wird das Spiel ab18, wenn man Kettensägen etc herbeizaubern kann ^^

    Im Zweifelsfall: Amiversion bestellen! Afaik sind da - wie schon oben beschrieben - direkt weitere Sprachen enthalten.


  8. #8
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    Zitat Zitat von RazeLaserbolt Beitrag anzeigen
    Na vermutlich wird das Spiel ab18, wenn man Kettensägen etc herbeizaubern kann ^^

    Im Zweifelsfall: Amiversion bestellen! Afaik sind da - wie schon oben beschrieben - direkt weitere Sprachen enthalten.
    Wurde ja nun ab 6 eingestuft
    Trink deine Milch!

  9. #9
    Avatar von Ralf
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    Schaffe schaffe Häusle bauen und gelegentlich mal ne Runde Fifa
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  10. #10
    Avatar von Philipp
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    Layton und Scribblenauts sind die beiden Spiele, die mir den September versüßen werden. Erscheinen ja zudem noch am gleichen Tag ^^

Ähnliche Themen

  1. Entwickler-Interview zu Scribblenauts
    Von Nintendo-Online im Forum Nintendo-Online.de News
    Antworten: 2
    Letzter Beitrag: 22.06.2009, 23:16
  2. Weiteres Video & Award für Scribblenauts
    Von Nintendo-Online im Forum Nintendo-Online.de News
    Antworten: 2
    Letzter Beitrag: 11.06.2009, 10:37
  3. E3-Video zu Scribblenauts
    Von Nintendo-Online im Forum Nintendo-Online.de News
    Antworten: 3
    Letzter Beitrag: 09.06.2009, 15:33
  4. 5th Cell kündigen Scribblenauts an
    Von Nintendo-Online im Forum Nintendo-Online.de News
    Antworten: 6
    Letzter Beitrag: 07.12.2008, 07:50


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