Einer der Entwickler von Just Add Waters hat ein Interview bezüglich New'n'Tasty und Stranger's Wrath HD gegeben:

Interessanter Aspekt:
How has it been working with Nintendo? Is it true that the company specifically asked for a Wii U version of Stranger’s Wrath HD?

Indeed, their developer relations man is a fan of the franchise so reached out to us to ask for that title specifically, that’s where the discussions started. In terms of what are they like to work with, they’re fantastic. I’ve NEVER had a problem with working with Nintendo in respect of their people and teams, it’s been a case of a problem in terms of the hardware and indeed the lack of a competent digital outlet, until now.
--> Nintendo haben also explizit einen Port von Stranger's Wrath angefragt. So viel also zum Thema "Nintendo muss aktiv auf die Entwickler zugehen".
Aber trotzdem werden die Spiele keine speziellen Features für das Gamepad bieten.