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  1. #31
    Avatar von ImperatorHDI
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    Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

    Daumen hoch!

    Also ich muss wirklich mal ein Lob aussprechen, dieser Thread ist wirklich Grandios . Hab jetzt alle Geschichten hintereinander gelesen und werde jetzt wahrscheinlich wieder die ganze Nacht nicht schlafen können. Jedenfalls, habt ihr schon mal was über "Der Rake" gehört? Hab da vor kurzem eine Geschichte lesen und kann mich seitdem im Bett nicht mehr umdrehen, weil ich Angst habe das der Rape an meinem Bett steht

    Ich werde wahrscheinlich morgen die Geschichte die ich gelesen habe posten, bin momentan noch an der Übersetzung ins Deutsche.

    Freu mich schon auf weitere Geschichten

  2. #32
    Avatar von ImperatorHDI
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    Metroid Prime 3 Corruption


    Ist doch sehr lang geworden, aber echt gruslig, hoffe sie gefällt euch.

    The Rake

    Während des Sommers des Jahres 2003, bewirkten Geschehnisse im Nordwesten der USA, in welchem eine Humanoide Kreatur verwickelt war lokales Medieninteresse. Zumindest solange bis ein Nachrichtensperre erwirkt wurde. Fast alle Informationen darüber wurde auf Mysteriöse weiße Gelöscht!
    Vor allem in den ländlicheren Gegenden New Yorks, berichteten selbsternannte Zeugen von Ihren Begegnungen mit dieser Kreatur unbekannter Herkunft. Die Reaktionen der Zeugen reichten von Angst bis zu kindlichem Interesse. Auch diese Berichte wurden gelöscht, doch einige der Involvierten begannen dieses Jahr gemeinsam nach Antworten zu suchen.
    Anfang des Jahres 2006 hatten die Involvierten durch Nachforschung Zwei Dutzend Berichte angehäuft. Diese enthalten Date über das Auftauchen der Kreatur auf vier Kontinenten zwischen dem 12.Jahrhundert und dem Heutigen Tag. In fast allen Fällen sind die Geschichten fast identisch. Ich stehe in Kontakt mit einem Mitglied dieser Gruppe und hatte die Möglichkeit mir einige Einblicke über ihr bald erscheinendes Buch zu verschaffen.

    Ein Abschiedsbrief: 1964
    Ich empfinde es als Notwendig jeglichen Schmerz und jede Schuld die ich in diese Sache einbrachte zu übernehmen. Es ist die Schuld von niemand anderen als ihm. Eines Tages wachte ich auf und fühlte seine Anwesenheit. Und als ich eines Tages erwachte, sah ich seinen Umriss. Als ich ein weiteres mal aufwachte hörte ich seine Stimme und sah in seine Augen. Ich kann nicht mehr Schlafen. Ich habe Angst was ich als Nächstes erleben werde. Ich kann nie wieder aufwachen. Lebewohl.

    Der Brief wurde in der selben Holzkiste gefunden in welcher zwei leere Briefumschläge adressiert an William und Rose und ein persönlicher Brief ohne Briefumschlag gefunden wurden.

    "Liebste Linnie, Ich habe für dich gebetet. Er hat deinen Namen gesagt."

    Ein Tagebuch Eintrag (übersetzt aus dem Spanischen): 1880
    Ich habe den größten Horror erlebt. Ich habe den größten Horror erlebt. Ich habe den größten Horror erlebt. Ich sehe seine Augen wenn ich meine schließe. Sie sind leer. Schwarz. Sie sahen mich und durchbohrten mich. Seine feuchte Hand. I werde nicht schlafen. Seine Stimme (unverständlicher Text)

    Das Logbuch eines Seemanns: 1691
    Er kam zu mir als ich schlief. Beim fuße meines Bettes fühlte ich eine Präsenz. Er nahm alles. Wir müssen zurück nach England. Wir sollte auf Befehl des Rakes nicht hierher zurückkehren.

    Von einer Zeugin: 2006
    Drei Jahre zuvor am 4. July kam ich gerade von einem Ausflug bei den Niagara Fällen mit meiner Familie zurück. Wir waren alle sehr erschöpft nach dieser langen Fahrt. Mein Mann und ich brachten die Kinder ins Bett und machten uns einen gemütlichen Abend.
    Um 4 Uhr morgens, wachte ich auf weil ich dachte meine Mann wäre aufgestanden um auf die Toilette zu gehen. Ich wollte diese Gelegenheit nutzen um die Bettdecke zurück zu stehlen. Doch er wachte auf. Er war nicht auf der Toilette sonder lag neben mir. Ich entschuldigte mich und erzählte ihm das ich dachte er wäre auf der Toilette. Als er sein Gesicht zu mir drehte keuchte er und zog seine Bein so schnell an, dass er mich fast aus dem Bett gekickt hätte. Dann packte er mich und sagte nichts.
    Meine Augen hatten sich mittlerweile an die Dunkelheit angepasst und ich sah den Grund für sein seltsames verhalten. Am Fuße unsere Bett saß von uns abgewandt etwas dass Aussah wie ein nackter Mann oder ein großer haarloser Hund. Seine Körperhaltung war verkrümmt und unnatürlich, so als ob es von einem Auto angefahren worden wäre.
    Mein Mann zitterte am ganzen Körper und lag mittlerweil in Fötuslage neben mir und schaute abwechselnd zu mir und der Kreatur.
    Plötzlich drehte sich die Kreatur um und kroch am Rand des Bette entlang und war nun nur noch eine Armlänge weit entfernt vom Gesicht meines Mannes. Die Kreatur macht keine einziges Geräusch und starrte meinen Mann an. Die Kreatur fasst sich ans Knie und rannte dann durch die Tür Richtung Kinderzimmer.
    Ich schrie und rannte zum Lichtschalter um es zu stoppen bevor es meine Kinder verletzt. Das Licht vom Schlafzimmer reichte aus um die Kreatur welche 15 Meter weit entfernt war und sich plötzlich umdrehte und mir in die Augen blickte. Sein Blutverschmierte "Gesicht" und seine schwarzen leeren Augen liesen mir einen schauer über den Rücken laufen. Ich drückte schnell den Lichtschalter und sah meine Tochter Clara.
    Die Kreatur rannte die Treppen runter während mein Mann versuchte unserer Tochter zu helfen. Sie war seh schwer verletzt und sagt das letztes in ihrem kurzen Leben. Sie sagte "er ist der Rake".
    Mein Mann hatte einen Unfall als er unsere Tochter ins Krankenhaus fuhr. Er überlebte nicht.
    In unserer kleinen Stadt breitet sich die Neuigkeit wie ein Laubfeuer aus. Die Polizei untersuchte immer noch den Fall und auch die Lokale Presse war sehr daran interessiert doch die Geschichte wurde allerdings nie veröffentlicht .
    Für einige Monate lebten ich und mein Sohn in einem Hotel nahe dem Haus meiner Eltern. Als wir wieder nach Hause zurück gekehrt waren, begann ich damit nach Antworten zu suchen. Ich erfuhr von einem Mann in der nächsten Stadt der etwas ähnliches erlebt hatte. Ich trat in Kontakt mit ihm und erfuhr das es in New York noch zwei weitere gibt die auch dem Rake begegnet sind.
    Nach dem wir zwei Jahre lang alles abgesucht hatten kamen wir zu dem Schluss, dass es sich immer um die selbe Kreatur handeln muss.Einige Personen wurden mehrmals von ihm heimgesucht und einige Opfer, meine Tochter eingeschlossen, sagten er hätte mit ihnen gesprochen. Deswegen kamen wir auf den Gedanken ob wir nicht schon vorher von dem Rake besucht wurden.
    Ich stellte in der nähe meines Bette eine Kamera auf und lies sie die ganze Nach lang laufen. In den ersten zwei Wochen passierte nichts und es dauerte jeden Tag eine Stunde das Filmmaterial durchzuschauen.
    Am ersten Tag der dritten Woche hörte ich etwas seltsames. Es war ein schrille Stimme. Es war der Rake. Ich kann es mir nicht lange genug anhören um es zu verstehen aber ich weiß das ich es zuvor schon einmal gehört habe und ich glaube es hat geredet als es vor mir und meinen Mann saß. Ich erinnere mich aber nicht damals etwas gehört zu haben aber aus irgendeinem Grund muss ich bei diesem Geräusch immer an damals denken.
    Die Gedanken die durch den Kopf meiner Tochter gegangen sein mussten beschäftigten mich sehr.
    Ich habe den Rake seit diesem Tag nie wieder gesehen seit er mein Leben ruiniert hat, aber ich weiß das er in meinem Zimmer war als ich geschlafen habe. Ich weiß dass die Nacht kommen wird an dem ich aufwachen werde und er mich anstarren wird!

  3. #33
    Avatar von XaryPi
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    dies und das...
    PSone / PS2 / (PC) / SGS / SGN
    The Rake ist ja wirklich nice!
    Sehr schön!
    Hat mir ne tolle Gänsehaut verpasst

    Finde zurzeit aber keine guten mehr... Habt ihr eig. von dem Video des Piloten der über Area51 flog gesehen? Auch nicht schlecht und gilt auch als Creepypasta...
    The city looks so pretty, do you wanna burn it with me?
    'Til the skies bleeds ashes and the fucking skyline crashes

  4. #34
    Avatar von ImperatorHDI
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    Metroid Prime 3 Corruption


    Ja, das Video mit dem Piloten kenn ich, hat mir echt Gänsehaut verpasst, die wirkt aber auch verdammt echt. Hab noch eine Geschichte gefunden die aber wirklich lang ist aber auch sehr gruselig. Hoffe es macht euch nichts aus das ich diese nicht übersetzt habe, da sie wie schon gesagt sehr lange ist.

    Jeff the Killer


    Excerpt from a local Newspaper:
    After weeks of unexplained murders, the ominous unknown killer is still on the rise. After little evidence has been found, a young boy states that he survived one of the killer’s attacks and bravely tells his story.
    “I had a bad dream and I woke up in the middle of the night,” says the boy, “I saw that for some reason the window was open, even though I remember it being closed before I went to bed. I got up and shut it once more. Afterwards, I simply crawled under my covers and tried to get back to sleep. That’s when I had a strange feeling, like someone was watching me. I looked up, and nearly jumped out of my bed. There, in the little ray of light, illuminating from between my curtains, were a pair of two eyes. These weren’t regular eyes; they were dark, ominous eyes. They were bordered in black and… just plain out terrified me. That’s when I saw his mouth. A long, horrendous smile that made every hair on my body stand up. The figure stood there, watching me. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he said it. A simple phrase, but said in a way only a mad man could speak.
    “He said, ‘Go To Sleep.’ I let out a scream, that’s what sent him at me. He pulled up a knife; aiming at my heart. He jumped on top of my bed. I fought him back; I kicked, I punched, I rolled around, trying to knock him off me. That’s when my dad busted in. The man threw the knife, it went into my dad’s shoulder. The man probably would’ve finished him off, if one of the neighbors hadn’t alerted the police.
    “They drove into the parking lot, and ran towards the door. The man turned and ran down the hallway. I heard a smash, like glass breaking. As I came out of my room, I saw the window that was pointing towards the back of my house was broken. I looked out it to see him vanish into the distance. I can tell you one thing, I will never forget that face. Those cold, evil eyes, and that psychotic smile. They will never leave my head.”
    Police are still on the look for this man. If you see anyone that fits the description in this story, please contact your local police department.
    Jeff and his family had just moved into a new neighborhood. His dad had gotten a promotion at work, and they thought it would be best to live in one of those “fancy” neighborhoods. Jeff and his brother Liu couldn’t complain though. A new, better house. What was not to love? As they were getting unpacked, one of their neighbors came by.
    “Hello,” she said, “I’m Barbara; I live across the street from you. Well, I just wanted to introduce my self and to introduce my son.” She turns around and calls her son over. “Billy, these are our new neighbors.” Billy said hi and ran back to play in his yard.
    “Well,” said Jeff’s mom, “I’m Margaret, and this is my husband Peter, and my two sons, Jeff and Liu.” They each introduced themselves, and then Barbara invited them to her son’s birthday. Jeff and his brother were about to object, when their mother said that they would love to. When Jeff and his family are done packing, Jeff went up to his mom.
    “Mom, why would you invite us to some kid’s party? If you haven’t noticed, I’m not some dumb kid.”
    “Jeff,” said his mother, “We just moved here; we should show that we want to spend time with our neighbors. Now, we’re going to that party, and that’s final.” Jeff started to talk, but stopped himself, knowing that he couldn’t do anything. Whenever his mom said something, it was final. He walked up to his room and plopped down on his bed. He sat there looking at his ceiling when suddenly, he got a weird feeling. Not so much a pain, but… a weird feeling. He dismissed it as just some random feeling. He heard his mother call him down to get his stuff, and he walked down to get it.
    The next day, Jeff walked down stairs to get breakfast and got ready for school. As he sat there, eating his breakfast, he once again got that feeling. This time it was stronger. It gave him a slight tugging pain, but he once again dismissed it. As he and Liu finished breakfast, they walked down to the bus stop. They sat there waiting for the bus, and then, all of a sudden, some kid on a skateboard jumped over them, only inches above their laps. They both jumped back in surprise. “Hey, what the hell?”
    The kid landed and turned back to them. He kicked his skate board up and caught it with his hands. The kid seems to be about twelve; one year younger than Jeff. He wears a Aeropostale shirt and ripped blue jeans.
    “Well, well, well. It looks like we got some new meat.” Suddenly, two other kids appeared. One was super skinny and the other was huge. “Well, since you’re new here, I’d like to introduce ourselves, over there is Keith.” Jeff and Liu looked over to the skinny kid. He had a dopey face that you would expect a sidekick to have. “And he’s Troy.” They looked over at the fat kid. Talk about a tub of lard. This kid looked like he hadn’t exercised since he was crawling.
    “And I,” said the first kid, “am Randy. Now, for all the kids in this neighborhood there is a small price for bus fare, if you catch my drift.” Liu stood up, ready to punch the lights out of the kid’s eyes when one of his friends pulled a knife on him. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, I had hoped you would be more cooperative, but it seems we must do this the hard way.” The kid walked up to Liu and took his wallet out of his pocket. Jeff got that feeling again. Now, it was truly strong; a burning sensation. He stood up, but Liu gestured him to sit down. Jeff ignored him and walked up to the kid.
    “Listen here you little punk, give back my bro’s wallet or else.” Randy put the wallet in his pocket and pulled out his own knife.
    “Oh? And what will you do?” Just as he finished the sentence, Jeff popped the kid in the nose. As Randy reached for his face, Jeff grabbed the kid’s wrist and broke it. Randy screamed and Jeff grabbed the knife from his hand. Troy and Keith rushed Jeff, but Jeff was too quick. He threw Randy to the ground. Keith lashed out at him, but Jeff ducked and stabbed him in the arm. Keith dropped his knife and fell to the ground screaming. Troy rushd him too, but Jeff didn’t even need the knife. He just punched Troy straight in the stomach and Troy went down. As he fell, he puked all over. Liu could do nothing but look in amazement at Jeff.
    “Jeff how’d you?” that was all he said. They saw the bus coming and knew they’d be blamed for the whole thing. So they started running as fast as they could. As they ran, they looked back and saw the bus driver rushing over to Randy and the others. As Jeff and Liu made it to school, they didn’t dare tell what happened. All they did was sit and listen. Liu just thought of that as his brother beating up a few kids, but Jeff knew it was more. It was something, scary. As he got that feeling he felt how powerful it was, the urge to just, hurt someone. He didn’t like how it sounded, but he couldn’t help feeling happy. He felt that strange feeling go away, and stay away for the entire day of school. Even as he walked home due to the whole thing near the bus stop, and how now he probably wouldn’t be taking the bus anymore, he felt happy. When he got home his parents asked him how his day was, and he said, in a somewhat ominous voice, “It was a wonderful day.” Next morning, he heard a knock at his front door. He walked down to find two police officers at the door, his mother looking back at him with an angry look.
    “Jeff, these officers tell me that you attacked three kids. That it wasn’t regular fighting, and that they were stabbed. Stabbed, son!” Jeff’s gaze fell to the floor, showing his mother that it was true.
    “Mom, they were the ones who pulled the knives on me and Liu.”
    “Son,” said one of the cops,” We found three kids, two stabbed, one having a bruise on his stomach, and we have witnesses proving that you fled the scene. Now, what does that tell us?” Jeff knew it was no use. He could say him and Liu had been attacked, but then there was no proof it was not them who attacked first. They couldn’t say that they weren’t fleeing, because truth be told they were. So Jeff couldn’t defend himself or Liu.
    “Son, call down your brother.” Jeff couldn’t do it, since it was him who beat up all the kids.
    “Sir, it…it was me. I was the one who beat up the kids. Liu tried to hold me back, but he couldn’t stop me.” The cop looked at his partner and they both nod.
    “Well kid, looks like a year in Juvy…”
    “Wait!” says Liu. They all looked up to see him holding a knife. The officers pulled their guns and locked them on Liu.
    “It was me, I beat up those little punks. Have the marks to prove it.” He lifted up his sleeves to reveal cuts and bruises, as if he was in a struggle.
    “Son, just put the knife down,” said the officer. Liu held up the knife and dropped it to the ground. He put his hands up and walked over to the cops.
    “No Liu, it was me! I did it!” Jeff had tears running down his face.
    “Huh, poor bro. Trying to take the blame for what I did. Well, take me away.” The police led Liu out to the patrol car.
    “Liu, tell them it was me! Tell them! I was the one who beat up those kids!” Jeff’s mother put her hands on his shoulders.
    “Jeff please, you don’t have to lie. We know it’s Liu, you can stop.” Jeff watched helplessly as the cop car speeds off with Liu inside. A few minutes later Jeff’s dad pulled into the driveway, seeing Jeff’s face and knowing something was wrong.
    “Son, son what is it?” Jeff couldn’t answer. His vocal cords were strained from crying. Instead, Jeff’s mother walked his father inside to break the bad news to him as Jeff wept in the driveway. After an hour or so Jeff walked back in to the house, seeing that his parents were both shocked, sad, and disappointed. He couldn’t look at them. He couldn’t see how they thought of Liu when it was his fault. He just went to sleep, trying to get the whole thing off his mind. Two days went by, with no word from Liu at JDC. No friends to hang out with. Nothing but sadness and guilt. That is until Saturday, when Jeff is woke up by his mother, with a happy, sunshiny face.
    “Jeff, it’s the day.” she said as she opened up the curtains and let light flood into his room.
    “What, what’s today?” asked Jeff as he stirs awake.
    “Why, it’s Billy’s party.” He was now fully awake.
    “Mom, you’re joking, right? You don’t expect me to go to some kid’s party after…” There was a long pause.
    “Jeff, we both know what happened. I think this party could be the thing that brightens up the past days. Now, get dressed.” Jeff’s mother walked out of the room and downstairs to get ready herself. He fought himself to get up. He picked out a random shirt and pair of jeans and walked down stairs. He saw his mother and father all dressed up; his mother in a dress and his father in a suit. He thought, why they would ever wear such fancy clothes to a kid’s party?
    “Son, is that all your going to wear?” said Jeff’s mom.
    “Better than wearing too much.” he said. His mother pushed down the feeling to yell at him and hid it with a smile.
    “Now Jeff, we may be over-dressed, but this is how you go if you want to make an impression.” said his father. Jeff grunted and went back up to his room.
    “I don’t have any fancy clothes!” he yelled down stairs.
    “Just pick out something.” called his mother. He looked around in his closet for what he would call fancy. He found a pair of black dress pants he had for special occasions and an undershirt. He couldn’t find a shirt to go with it though. He looked around, and found only striped and patterned shirts. None of which go with dress pants. Finally he found a white hoodie and put it on.
    “You’re wearing that?” they both said. His mother looked at her watch. “Oh, no time to change. Let’s just go.” She said as she herded Jeff and his father out the door. They crossed the street over to Barbara and Billy’s house. They knocked on the door and at it appeared that Barbara, just like his parents, way over-dressed.

    Musste die Geschichte leider teilen da sie zu lange war, ich hoffe das ist nicht schlimm.

  5. #35
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    Metroid Prime 3 Corruption


    So das ist der noch fehlende Teil, ich hab unten noch ein Bild von Jeff eingefügt, ist aber sehr gruselig, anschauen auf eigene Gefahr.

    As they walked inside all Jeff could see were adults, no kids.
    “The kids are out in the yard. Jeff, how about you go and meet some of them?” said Barbara.
    Jeff walked outside to a yard full of kids. They were running around in weird cowboy costumes and shooting each other with plastic guns. He might as well be standing in a Toys R Us. Suddenly a kid came up to him and handed him a toy gun and hat.
    “Hey. Wanna pway?” he said.
    “Ah, no kid. I’m way too old for this stuff.” The kid looked at him with that weird puppydog face.
    “Pwease?” said the kid. “Fine,” said Jeff. He put on the hat and started to pretend shoot at the kids. At first he thought it was totally ridiculous, but then he started to actually have fun. It might not have been super cool, but it was the first time he had done something that took his mind off of Liu. So he played with the kids for a while, until he heard a noise. A weird rolling noise. Then it hit him. Randy, Troy, and Keith all jumped over the fence on their skateboards. Jeff dropped the fake gun and ripped off the hat. Randy looked at Jeff with a burning hatred.
    “Hello, Jeff, is it?” he said. “We have some unfinished business.” Jeff saw his bruised nose.” I think we’re even. I beat the crap out of you, and you get my brother sent to JDC.”
    Randy got an angry look in his eyes. “Oh no, I don’t go for even, I go for winning. You may have kicked our asses that one day, but not today.” As he said that Randy rushed at Jeff. They both fell to the ground. Randy punched Jeff in the nose, and Jeff grabbed him by the ears and head butted him. Jeff pushed Randy off of him and both rose to their feet. Kids were screaming and parents were running out of the house. Troy and Keith both pulled guns out of their pockets.
    “No one interrupts or guts will fly!” they said. Randy pulled a knife on Jeff and stabbed it into his shoulder.
    Jeff screamed and fell to his knees. Randy started kicking him in the face. After three kicks Jeff grabs his foot and twists it, causing Randy to fall to the ground. Jeff stood up and walked towards the back door. Troy grabbed him.
    “Need some help?” He picks Jeff up by the back of the collar and throws him through the patio door. As Jeff tries to stand he is kicked down to the ground. Randy repeatedly starts kicking Jeff, until he starts to cough up blood.
    “Come on Jeff, fight me!” He picks Jeff up and throws him into the kitchen. Randy sees a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashes the glass over Jeff’s head.
    “Fight!” He throws Jeff back into the living room.
    “Come on Jeff, look at me!” Jeff glances up, his face riddled with blood. “I was the one who got your brother sent to JDC! And now you’re just gonna sit here and let him rot in there for a whole year! You should be ashamed!” Jeff starts to get up.
    “Oh, finally! you stand and fight!” Jeff is now to his feet, blood and vodka on his face. Once again he gets that strange feeling, the one in which he hasn’t felt for a while. “Finally. He’s up!” says Randy as he runs at Jeff. That’s when it happens. Something inside Jeff snaps. His psyche is destroyed, all rational thinking is gone, all he can do, is kill. He grabs Randy and pile drives him to the ground. He gets on top of him and punches him straight in the heart. The punch causes Randy’s heart to stop. As Randy gasps for breath. Jeff hammers down on him. Punch after punch, blood gushes from Randy’s body, until he takes one final breath, and dies.
    Everyone is looking at Jeff now. The parents, the crying kids, even Troy and Keith. Although they easily break from their gaze and point their guns at Jeff. Jeff see’s the guns trained on him and runs for the stairs. As he runs Troy and Keith let out fire on him, each shot missing. Jeff runs up the stairs. He hears Troy and Keith follow up behind. As they let out their final rounds of bullets Jeff ducks into the bathroom. He grabs the towel rack and rips it off the wall. Troy and Keith race in, knives ready.
    Troy swings his knife at Jeff, who backs away and bangs the towel rack into Troy’s face. Troy goes down hard and now all that’s left is Keith. He is more agile than Troy though, and ducks when Jeff swings the towel rack. He dropped the knife and grabbed Jeff by the neck. He pushed him into the wall. A thing of bleach fell down on top of him from the top shelf. It burnt both of them and they both started to scream. Jeff wiped his eyes as best as he could. He pulled back the towel rack and swung it straight into Keith’s head. As he lay there, bleeding to death, he let out an ominous smile.
    “What’s so funny?” asked Jeff. Keith pulled out a lighter and switched it on. “What’s funny,” he said, “Is that you’re covered in bleach and alcohol.” Jeff’s eyes widened as Keith threw the lighter at him. As soon as the flame made contact with him, the flames ignited the alcohol in the vodka. While the alcohol burned him, the bleach bleached his skin. Jeff let out a terrible screech as he caught on fire. He tried to roll out the fire but it was no use, the alcohol had made him a walking inferno. He ran down the hall, and fell down the stairs. Everybody started screaming as they saw Jeff, now a man on fire, drop to the ground, nearly dead. The last thing Jeff saw was his mother and the other parents trying to extinguish the flame. That’s when he passed out.
    When Jeff woke he had a cast wrapped around his face. He couldn’t see anything, but he felt a cast on his shoulder, and stitches all over his body. He tried to stand up, but he realized that there was some tube in his arm, and when he tried to get up it fell out, and a nurse rushed in.
    “I don’t think you can get out of bed just yet.” she said as she put him back in his bed and re-inserted the tube. Jeff sat there, with no vision, no idea of what his surroundings were. Finally, after hours, he heard his mother.
    “Honey, are you okay?” she asked. Jeff couldn’t answer though, his face was covered, and he was unable to speak. “Oh honey, I have great news. After all the witnesses told the police that Randy confessed of trying to attack you, they decided to let Liu go.” This made Jeff almost bolt up, stopping halfway, remembering the tube coming out of his arm. “He’ll be out by tomorrow, and then you two will be able to be together again.”
    Jeff’s mother hugs Jeff and says her goodbyes. The next couple of weeks were those where Jeff was visited by his family. Then came the day where his bandages were to be removed. His family were all there to see it, what he would look like. As the doctors unwrapped the bandages from Jeff’s face everyone was on the edge of their seats. They waited until the last bandage holding the cover over his face was almost removed.
    “Let’s hope for the best,” said the doctor. He quickly pulls the cloth; letting the rest fall from Jeff’s face.
    Jeff’s mother screams at the sight of his face. Liu and Jeff’s dad stare awe-struck at his face.
    “What? What happened to my face?” Jeff said. He rushed out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw the cause of the distress. His face. It…it’s horrible. His lips were burnt to a deep shade of red. His face was turned into a pure white color, and his hair singed from brown to black. He slowly put his hand to his face. It had a sort of leathery feel to it now. He looked back at his family then back at the mirror.
    “Jeff,” said Liu, “It’s not that bad….”
    “Not that bad?” said Jeff,” It’s perfect!” His family were equally surprised. Jeff started laughing uncontrollably His parents noticed that his left eye and hand were twitching.
    “Uh… Jeff, are you okay?”
    “Okay? I’ve never felt more happy! Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa, look at me. This face goes perfectly with me!” He couldn’t stop laughing. He stroked his face feeling it. Looking at it in the mirror. What caused this? Well, you may recall that when Jeff was fighting Randy something in his mind, his sanity, snapped. Now he was left as a crazy killing machine, that is, his parents didn’t know.
    “Doctor,” said Jeff’s mom, “Is my son… alright, you know. In the head?”
    “Oh yes, this behavior is typical for patients that have taken very large amounts of pain killers. If his behavior doesn’t change in a few weeks, bring him back here, and we’ll give him a psychological test.”
    “Oh thank you doctor.” Jeff’s mother went over to Jeff.” Jeff, sweety. It’s time to go.”
    Jeff looks away from the mirror, his face still formed into a crazy smile. “Kay mommy, ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa!” his mother took him by the shoulder and took him to get his clothes.
    “This is what came in,” said the lady at the desk. Jeff’s mom looked down to see the black dress pants and white hoodie her son wore. Now they were clean of blood and now stitched together. Jeff’s mother led him to his room and made him put his clothes on. Then they left, not knowing that this was their final day of life.
    Later that night, Jeff’s mother woke to a sound coming from the bathroom. It sounded as if someone was crying. She slowly walked over to see what it was. When she looked into the bathroom she saw a horrendous sight. Jeff had taken a knife and carved a smile into his cheeks.
    “Jeff, what are you doing?” asked his mother.
    Jeff looked over to his mother. “I couldn’t keep smiling mommy. It hurt after awhile. Now, I can smile forever. Jeff’s mother noticed his eyes, ringed in black.
    “Jeff, your eyes!” His eyes were seemingly never closing.
    “I couldn’t see my face. I got tired and my eyes started to close. I burned out the eyelids so I could forever see myself; my new face.” Jeff’s mother slowly started to back away, seeing that her son was going insane. “What’s wrong mommy? Aren’t I beautiful?
    “Yes son,” she said, “Yes you are. L-let me go get daddy, so he can see your face.” She ran into the room and shook Jeff’s dad from his sleep. “Honey, get the gun we…..” She stopped as she saw Jeff in the doorway, holding a knife.
    “Mommy, you lied.” That’s the last thing they hear as Jeff rushes them with the knife, gutting both of them.
    His brother Liu woke up, startled by some noise. He didn’t hear anything else, so he just shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. As he was on the border of slumber, he got the strangest feeling that someone was watching him. He looked up, before Jeff’s hand covered his mouth. He slowly raised the knife ready to plunge it into Liu. Liu thrashed here and there trying to escape Jeff’s grip.
    “Shhhhhhh,” Jeff said,”Just go to sleep.”

    Das Bild


  6. #36
    Avatar von Sepo
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    Naja, das Bild kannte ich schon. War aber trotzdem gruselig, es, nachdem ich auf den "zeigen"-Knopf gedrückt hatte, ganz plötzlich so groß zu sehen...

  7. #37
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    Erstaunlich das sich dieser kleine aber feine Thread so gut gehalten hat ... da ich grad nur mit dem handy on bin kann ich euch zwar keinen Link schicken aber sucht einfach mal Normalpornfornormalpeople... das ist harter shit! Außerdem kann ich den Youtuber Yuriofwind empfehlen, der Videospielmysterien bzw. Creepypastas aufklärt (z.B. Pokemon Lost Silver)

  8. #38
    Avatar von Zekrom007
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    Videospiel Mythen

    In diesem Thread sollt ihr alle Videospiel Mythen Posten die ihr kennt Posten! Ich fange gleich mal mit den ersten 2 an.

    Rattikarls Tod

    In der ersten Generation von Pokemon also Rot, Blau und Gelb habt ihr den Rivalen Blau/Gary der soll sich am Anfang ein Rattfratz gefangen haben und es so Trainiert haben damit es zu einem Rattikarl wurde. Auf jedenfall kommt es auf der MS. Anne zu einem Kampf Zwischen deinem Rivalen Blau/Gary und dir bei diesem Kampf soll Rattikarl so schwer verletzt worden sein das es an den Verletzungen gestorben ist da Blau/Gary es nicht mehr rechtzeitig zu Pokemon Center geschafft haben soll da er sich auf der MS Anne verlaufen hat. Der nächste Kampf zwischen dir und deinem Rivalen findet in Lavandia im Pokemon Turm statt Blau/Gary soll in den Pokemon Turm gekommen sein um sein Rattikarl zu begraben.Im Englischen gibt es da auch noch einen Hinweis der auf Rattikarls Tod Hinweist und zwar sagt Blau/Gary im Englischen vor dem Kampf zu dir "Your Pokemon don't look death" das im Deutschen übersetzt soviel heißt wie "Deine Pokemon sehen nicht Tod aus". Auch die Tatsache das Rattikarl bis jetzt das einzige Pokemon ist das von einem Rivalen ausgetauscht wurde spricht für Rattikarls Tod.


    Das Lavandia Syndrom

    Viele von euch werden es kennen das Lavandia Syndrom und zwar soll in der Stadt Lavandia die Musik eine so hohe Frequenz haben das man durch die Musik Starke Kopfschmerzen, Schlafstörungen, Vervolgungswahn und anscheinend auch Suizid Gedanken bekommen kann in manchen fällen soll es auch zu Suizid gekommen sein dies wurde aber nie bestätigt! Diese Krankheiten( ich nenne sie jetzt mal so) bekommen meistens Kinder im alter von 8-12 Jahren da die die hohen Töne noch Wahrnehmen können. Ich kann da aber auch aus eigener Erfahrung sprechen ich habe mir die Musik mal angehört und und habe nach nicht mal 5 Sekunden Vervolgungswahn und sehr starke Kopfschmerzen bekommen auch mein Hertz hat zu Rasen begonnen und mein ganzer Körper hat gezittert!

    Achtung das ist die Musik von Lavadia!!!!!
    Ich habe euch mögliche folgen des hörens oben aufgelistet also überlegt es euch!
    Geändert von Zekrom007 (06.05.2013 um 10:46 Uhr)

  9. #39
    Avatar von Tiago
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    Zu Rattikarl: Da interpretieren die Fans glaube ich viel zu viel hinein. Klar spricht vieles dafür, aber letzten Endes gab es ein Interview, in dem die Macher so wirkten als würden sie sich bei weitem nicht so viele Gedanken über eine logische Spielwelt machen wie die Fans. Ich denke mal hier war es vllt in einer frühen Version so geplant und nachher verworfen.

    Zu Lavandia: Mal im ernst: In einer Geisterstadt soll die Musik Leute in den Suizid treiben? Wirklich? Auch diesen Mythos kenne ich aber ich behaupte, dass das alles Quatsch und eine von Fand erfundene Gruselgeschichte ist. Es geht übrigens auch nicht um hohe Töne, sondern um die sogenannten binauralen Beats, die dadurch entstehen dass zwei hohe Frequenzen nah beieinander liegen. Man hört dann so einen dritten Ton, weil einem das Gehör einen Streich spielt. Es ist nachgewiesen, dass dies eine besondere Wirkung auf den Menschen hat wie zB Entspannung, aber Suizid ist Quatsch. Die Tatsache, dass du was gespürt hast führe ich jetzt mal auf Placebo und schräge/unangenehme Musik zurück.
    Angeblich soll die erste Pokémon Version in Japan, die schnell zurück gezogen wurde und in neuer Auflage auch mit veränderter Musik in Lavandia erschien, diese "böse" Musik enthalten haben. Was genau es aber damit auf sich hat bleibt wohl ein Geheimnis, da wohl dann Millionen Fake-Lavandia-Themes im Netz das richtige wohl kaum zu finden sein wird.

  10. #40
    Avatar von Zekrom007
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    Zitat Zitat von Tiago Beitrag anzeigen
    Zu Rattikarl: Da interpretieren die Fans glaube ich viel zu viel hinein. Klar spricht vieles dafür, aber letzten Endes gab es ein Interview, in dem die Macher so wirkten als würden sie sich bei weitem nicht so viele Gedanken über eine logische Spielwelt machen wie die Fans. Ich denke mal hier war es vllt in einer frühen Version so geplant und nachher verworfen.

    Zu Lavandia: Mal im ernst: In einer Geisterstadt soll die Musik Leute in den Suizid treiben? Wirklich? Auch diesen Mythos kenne ich aber ich behaupte, dass das alles Quatsch und eine von Fand erfundene Gruselgeschichte ist. Es geht übrigens auch nicht um hohe Töne, sondern um die sogenannten binauralen Beats, die dadurch entstehen dass zwei hohe Frequenzen nah beieinander liegen. Man hört dann so einen dritten Ton, weil einem das Gehör einen Streich spielt. Es ist nachgewiesen, dass dies eine besondere Wirkung auf den Menschen hat wie zB Entspannung, aber Suizid ist Quatsch. Die Tatsache, dass du was gespürt hast führe ich jetzt mal auf Placebo und schräge/unangenehme Musik zurück.
    Angeblich soll die erste Pokémon Version in Japan, die schnell zurück gezogen wurde und in neuer Auflage auch mit veränderter Musik in Lavandia erschien, diese "böse" Musik enthalten haben. Was genau es aber damit auf sich hat bleibt wohl ein Geheimnis, da wohl dann Millionen Fake-Lavandia-Themes im Netz das richtige wohl kaum zu finden sein wird.
    Das mit den Beats wusste ich, aber wollte es nicht noch länge machen war möglicherweise ein fehler und ich habe auch geschrieben das das mit dem Suizid nie bewiesen wurde es kann sein das ein teil stimmt und ein teil falsch ist und das mit Rattikarl kann man auch so nehmen wie es ist ich könnte recht haben du könntest recht haben usw es sind alles Mythen...
    Geändert von Zekrom007 (06.05.2013 um 10:46 Uhr)

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